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Férula patelofemoral Kneesio de Hely & Weber

Rodillera para el tratamiento y recuperación de lesiones deportivas

Precio original $75.00 - Precio original $75.00
Precio original
$75.00 - $75.00
Precio actual $75.00
SKU 7675XS

Pierna : Izquierda o Derecha

Talla(s): XS, pequeña, mediana, grande, XL, XXL

Las características de esta rodillera la hacen invisible. Además, el refuerzo extraíble se puede quitar para brindar un control adicional y brindar apoyo donde se necesita.

Características y beneficios:

  • Extremadamente ligero, “sólo 8 oz.”
  • La bisagra flexible se adapta a los contornos de la pierna del paciente.
  • El material transpirable mantiene al atleta fresco mientras estabiliza el seguimiento de la rótula.
  • Cuatro correas de rótula ajustables brindan soporte rotuliano personalizado
  • Contrafuerte extraíble y ajustable para un control adicional donde sea necesario


  • Tendinitis rotuliana "rodilla del saltador"
  • Desalineación de la rótula
  • Condromalacia rotuliana
  • Subluxación de rótula
  • Rodilla del corredor
  • Dolor de rodilla

Recogida disponible en Orthopedic Outfitters, Inc.

Normalmente está listo en 2 a 4 días

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Greg Tillett

Strap loop on the thigh Velcro digs into the back of the when sitting with knee bent

Silvia Coverson
Great recovery item!!!

I used to run 1/2 marathons years ago and stopped. Two kids later, I wanted to get back into running. I made the mistake of wearing my vibrams and not slowly easing into them again. I tweaked my knee as a result. I needed a brace that would give me support throughout the day with my littles. The quality of this brace is amazing. The ease to put on was perfect. When I put it on the first time, I was able to walk without any pain and without limping. This is the reason why I was able to recover so fast. Would definitely recommend.

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