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How and When to Use Ice and Heat During Physical Therapy

How and When to Use Ice and Heat During Physical Therapy

If you’re feeling sore after a tough workout or experiencing pain from an old injury, your first instinct may be to reach for an ice pack or a heating pad. While these familiar physical therapy tools offer many potential recovery benefits, it’s important to know how and when to use each method to get the most out of these treatments. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the appropriate use of ice and heat during physical therapy to help you maximize their benefits and enhance recovery. 

What is Ice Therapy? (For Pain and Swelling)

A woman standing outside holds an ice pack to her shoulder to ice a sports injury.

Ice therapy, also known as cryotherapy or cold therapy, uses cold temperatures to help manage pain, inflammation, and swelling. 

Swelling and inflammation can occur after an injury when white blood cells build up in your tissues. Ice therapy causes blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow to the targeted area and the activity of nerve endings. This helps lower swelling and inflammation, and the numbing effect of the ice can also be helpful for pain management.

When Should I Use Ice Therapy? 

Ice therapy is often most effective when used right after an acute injury, and for the first 48 to 72 hours, or until the swelling goes away. Here are some instances where ice therapy may be beneficial: 

  • Acute injuries: For sudden injuries like sprains, strains, and bruises, ice therapy can help reduce the immediate inflammation, pain, and swelling. It’s generally recommended that you apply ice as soon as you can for 20-minute intervals every few hours until swelling decreases. 
  • After surgery: Ice therapy can help reduce pain and swelling after surgery. Make sure to follow your surgeon's specific recovery orders. 
  • Chronic pain flare-ups: For certain chronic conditions like arthritis, ice therapy can help manage swelling and pain flare-ups caused by inflammation. 

Always consult with your healthcare professional before trying any at-home treatments. 

What's the Proper Way to Ice?

woman wearing the Vive Health Back Ice Wrap

One of the most straightforward and comfortable ways to ice is using an ice wrap, such as the Vive Health Ice Wrap.  These flexible gel pads can be frozen and attached around targeted areas to provide a soothing and cooling effect that helps address pain and swelling.

Ice wraps can also be reused as many times as you need and come in different styles for the back, ankle, knee, and hip.

Here are some helpful tips for icing an injury: 

  • Prepare the ice pack: Place the ice wrap or ice pack in the freezer for at least 2 hours before use to ensure it’s cold enough to provide effective pain relief. 
  • Never apply ice directly to skin: To avoid frostbite, ice should not be placed directly on the skin; it should always be covered with a towel or other protective cloth. 
  • Limit application time: For maximum effectiveness, apply ice therapy for 15-20 minutes at a time. Avoid using ice packs for more than 20 minutes at a time to avoid discomfort. 
  • Take breaks: After 15-20 minutes of ice therapy, remove the pack and allow your skin to rest for at least an hour before reapplying. 
  • Repeat: You can repeat the ice therapy cycle (15-20 minutes on, 1 hour off) several times a day, as needed. 
  • Store properly: When not in use, store your ice therapy tools in the freezer to keep them cold and ready for immediate use.

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What is Heat Therapy? (For Soothing Muscles)

A man uses a heat pack on his neck to soothe sore muscles

Heat therapy, also known as thermotherapy, is a treatment method used in physical therapy to help alleviate pain, increase blood flow, and relax muscles. It involves applying heat to a specific area of the body, which can be done through methods such as hot packs, heating pads, warm towels, and more. 

When Should You Use Heat Therapy? 

Do not use heat for the first few days after an injury or while you’re experiencing any swelling. Heat therapy is typically used later in the recovery process or to help manage chronic conditions. Here are some situations where heat therapy may be beneficial: 

  • Chronic pain: Heat therapy is generally beneficial for managing chronic pain. Chronic pain conditions like arthritis, lower back pain, and muscle tension may respond well to heat therapy. 
  • Post-surgery: After surgery, stiff and uncomfortable scar tissue may form. Heat therapy can help improve blood flow in these areas and soften scar tissue, which may improve flexibility and range of motion. 
  • Injury recovery (later stages): Once swelling has subsided, heat therapy can promote recovery by increasing blood flow, which delivers essential nutrients to the injured area. 

Remember to consult with a qualified professional about your specific needs before trying any new physical therapy methods. 

How Do You Use Heat Therapy at Home?

Vive Health Heating Pad

One of the ways to use heat therapy at home is with a heating pad, such as the Vive Health Heating Pad. Heating pads are easy to use, and provide targeted relief for pain in the back, legs, abdomen, hips, and more. They come in a variety of different sizes, to suit different areas of the body.

Here are some tips for using a heating pad safely and effectively:

  • Protect your skin: Avoid applying a heating pad on broken or irritated skin.
  • Don’t fall asleep: Avoid using heating pads while sleeping, since you may not feel burns if you doze off.
  • Start low, go slow: Start at a low temperature first and gradually work your way toward higher temps as needed.
  • Find your comfort zone: The heat should be soothing, not unbearably hot. Stop using heat immediately if you notice any pain or discomfort.
  • Take breaks: It’s recommended that you use heating pads between 30 minutes and two hours, with breaks in between to avoid overheating.

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Find the Best Physical Therapy Products for Your Needs

When used properly, ice and heat therapy can be valuable assets for recovery and pain management. With the right physical therapy tools, you can easily implement these methods into your daily routine, right at home.

Orthopedic Outfitters is your go-to source for all things physical therapy equipment. Our extensive selection of innovative gear is designed to support smooth recovery and pain management, so you can get back to doing the things you love. Browse our physical therapy products today to find valuable tools for enhancing your recovery.

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